Just so everyone knows whats going on and no worries.. Thursday night I (alyse) started feeling contractions which i thought were fake- braxton hicks- ones. I thought nothing of them and took a bath and went to sleep. At about 1AM I woke up feeling very uncomfortable with contractions and the feeling of not being able to breathe. Again i thought it was nothing and tried to walk them off and got a drink of water and tried everything to make them stop. no matter what i did they just got worse and dain woke up to see what was going on. I called the hospital to see if i should come in or not. The lady said i could come in and they could take a look at me. Me and dain both decided we didn't want to drive all the way there to just be sent home. Dain looked up symptoms of labor on the internet that distinguished fake and real labor and i had symptoms of both...
I decided to try to get some sleep and just relax for a while longer and see how i felt. I fell asleep for a few hours and woke up at about 4AM feeling nauseated and uncomfortable and feeling it was getting harder to breathe. I tried again to just walk it off but by now i knew something was going on with my body. I honestly did not think i was in labor! I woke dain up and i told him we had to go to the hospital now and i didn't care if they sent us home i just wanted to know what was going on.
I started to get worried at this point due to the fact i was just barely 35 weeks pregnant. so we made it to the hospital and the nurse came in and put all the monitors on me and sure enough i was in labor and having contractions 5 minutes apart that were lasting 60 seconds. the baby looked great on the monitor and there were no worries there. The nurse called my doctor and she decided to give me a muscle relaxer to stop the contractions. It was a shot of a strong muscle relaxer to relax my cervix and she also gave me a pill. I guess they had to give me strong stuff because my contractions were very strong and i was 80-90% effaced and dilated to about a 2. The nurse said the baby's head was right there when she did the exam. The medicine seemed to work but it only lasted an hour which is what they expected because the drug was given into my muscle and it doesn't last long but the pill they gave me wasn't helping. They decided to give me another shot of the medicine and after an hour the contractions were almost gone and it was staying that way. i was relieved! the nurse said if i had come in a little later they might not of been able to stop the labor and our baby would be in the NICU. The nurse had done some other test earlier to see how far into labor i was and the test came back negative so we were able to go home. I had to get a RX of that same medicine they have been giving me and be on bed rest for two days.
Today i feel great and i have been able to finally get up and do house work without contractions and no medicine so far. I hope i don't go into labor unless i am at least 37 weeks . i guess we will see i willl be seeing my Dr. on tuesday.